Does Your Living Space Give You Anxiety Because It’s Packed? Try Out A Storage Unit For A Year

If the clutter in your house is getting overwhelming, and you aren't sure what you want to keep or what you should get rid of, it's time to explore small storage options. There are some things that you can do to help make space in your home, without getting rid of things that you may want later on. Here are a few of the things to consider doing when picking a storage unit, setting a budget, and deciding what you will keep or get rid of when it comes time to purge.

Get Costs and Explore Options

The pricing on the storage unit that you need will vary based on a few different things, including the following:

  • Size of the unit
  • Floor the unit is on
  • Temperature control options for the unit
  • Security at the facility

You want to find out what the cost of the unit will be, if you can save money paying for the lease upfront in full, and what the requirements are to get approved to rent a unit.

Pack and Store Properly

Look at all of the clutter in your home's storage areas, and then clutter that you don't have room to store. With some plastic totes or moving boxes, you can start to put all of the items into containers neatly, and then get everything loaded into the unit. Make sure that everything is packaged properly, and use waterproof airtight containers if you are worried about dust, moisture, or insects.

Check In After a Year

After a year, go to the storage unit. You will be able to look at the unopened boxes and items that weren't used and decide if you are ready to throw them out. Not only will you easily be able to see what you still need and can get rid of, but it allows you to purge everything for good.

If you think that the clutter in your house is causing unnecessary stress and anxiety, and it makes it impossible for you to get the house entirely clean, it's time to make a change. If you aren't ready to part with a lot of your things, but you know that you need to get some of the items out of your house, find a storage unit that you can rent. This is going to be a great solution for a lot of your problems, and it may allow you to get rid of everything for good.

Contact a local self storage facility to learn more about the units they have available. 
