Reliable Tips to Avert Pest Infestation in Personal Storage

Whenever you opt to keep your belongings in a personal storage unit, it's crucial to ensure they stay in good condition. One way to accomplish this is to ensure no rodents or insects make the rented storage space their new home. Personal storage units can be susceptible to pest infestations because they go for extended periods without foot traffic. This makes it easy for an infestation to grow.

Storage facility owners understand this, and that's why they maintain cleanliness to ensure there aren't any breeding grounds for pests around or within the facility. As a customer, you'll need to adhere to some precautions to prevent critters from getting into your storage unit. Here are some tips to get you started.

Avoid Using Cardboards

Keeping your belongings in a cardboard box can do more harm than good. Pests and rodents can easily chew through the wood and damage the items inside. For instance, roaches find cardboard to be more nourishing while mice use it for nesting. 

So, when you place cardboard containing your belongings, you will invite pests into the storage unit. It's better to use plastic tubs instead because they can deter pests — most pests don't like to chew through plastic. Also, keep the plastic containers on pallets to keep them out of the rodents and insect pathways.

Don't Store or Bring Food into the Unit

Although storage service providers allow you to keep different items in a storage unit, you should avoid storing food items. Even if it's just a tiny box or food can, rodents and pests will notice this and find a way to access it. As you pack your belongings, ensure you don't include food items. 

Before storage, you'll need to clean or vacuum furniture, carpet, mats, or kitchen items like pots and pans. This will ensure there's no residual food or crumbs on the surfaces. Also, don't bring in food during your visits to the facility. You might easily forget and leave the food in the storage unit, and that lingering smell will attract unwanted critters.

Perform an Inspection Before Storing Items

Once you find an ideal storage unit for your belongings, you should inspect it before signing the lease. Look for signs of pest infestations like feces resembling rice grains on the floor and insect bodies and housings on floors, walls, or light fixtures. If you notice any of these issues, ask to see another storage unit. Reliable facilities ensure their storage units are spotlessly clean and engage pest control services regularly to keep the facility pest-free.
